This week the focus was to edit the Twin Check images and upload them to the galley. I had to change the orientaion of a couple of them so that they would all have the twin check aligned at the bottom. Visually I feel that it looks better having them all in the same dirction. For the desktop gallery version, I have three images accros, but the mobile version I had a manually change this to two across otherwise the images would be too small.
Once this was complete I moved on to adding the New Frontier image into the gallery. I didn't have to edit the images as they were already finalised from another assesment. I did have to go in and add all the image details in the text sections as I wanted this gallery to open in expand mode when clicked on, which then shows the artist name, art work title and year. I thought that this was important to distinguish the different artworks as they were created by other artists in a group exhibition.
I felt the need to show the process behind the creation of this artwork for New Frontiers, so it visually looks more like a blog pos, but I feel that this is good practice for future experiments that I can doucment in this way. Below are the screenshots showing the concept development, contact prints from different films, and the sound piece that I created inconjuction with the images. I was able to add a soundcloud player directly onto the page, allowing viewer to hear the sound piece immediatly.